
101 Dinosaur Puns That Are Dino-Mite

The only thing better than a list of puns, is a list of roarsome dinosaur puns. Take a look at some of our favorite ones – you won’t be able to tricera-top them!

Quick Dinosaur Puns

  1. What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur? Eye-saur.
  2. What happens when you cross dinosaurs and pigs? Jurassic Pork.
  3. What do you call a dinosaur that knows big words? Thesaurus. 
  4. Where do dinosaurs get their groceries? The dinostore
  5. Pair-odactyls are dinosaur twins.
  6. What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? Try-try-try-ceratops!
  7. What tools do dinosaur carpenters use? Dino-saw.
  8. What’s it called when a dinosaur crashes its car? Tyrannosaurus-wreck.
  9. What’s a dinosaur ghost called? Terror-dactyl.
  10. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite cocktail? Rex on the beach.
  11. What did the dinosaur call her blouse business? Try Sara’s Tops!
  12. What do you call a baby dinosaur? Wee-Rex!
  13. What do dinosaurs do on 4 July? Play with dino-mite!
  14. What do you call an anxious dinosaur? Nervous Rex.
  15. What do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat? Tyrannosaurus Tex.
  16. What do you call a dinosaur after a breakup? Tyrannosaurus Ex.
  17. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl use the bathroom? It’s a silent P.
  18. What do you call a talkative dinosaur? Dino-bore!
  19. What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the rain? Stegosau-rust.
  20. What do you call a dinosaur who’s a noisy sleeper? Tyranno-snorus!
  21. How do you invite a dinosaur to the coffee shop? Tea, Rex?
  22. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite quote? Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.
  23. What did the dinosaur say to the cashier? Keep the climate change.
  24. What’s a child’s favorite dinosaur? Toys-‘R-Us.
  25. What did dinosaur cars use? Fossil fuels.

More Dinosaur Puns…

  1. What material do dinosaurs use for their bathroom floors? Reptiles.
  2. What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo? Bronco-saurus.
  3. Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory? She was a plant-eater.
  4. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? DINOMITE!
  5. What do you call a polite Dinosaur? Pleaseyosaurus.
  6. Receptionist: Doctor, there’s an invisible dinosaur in the waiting room. Doctor: Tell her I can’t see her!
  7. Why didn’t the dinosaur cross the road? There weren’t any roads then.
  8. Why couldn’t the dinosaur play computer games? It ate the mouse.
  9. What do you get if you cross a dino and a dog? A-dog-a-sore!
  10. Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter? They are eggs-tinct!
  11. What’s the name of the fastest dinosaur? PRONTOsaurus!
  12. Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Chickens didn’t exist then.
  13. Why should you never ask a dinosaur to read you a story? Their tales are so long.
  14. Why did the dinosaur bring string to the game? It wanted to tie up the score!
  15. How can you best raise a baby dinosaur? With a crane.
  16. Why was the Stegosaurus such a good volleyball player? It could really spike the ball!
  17. What game does the brontosaurus play with humans? Squash.
  18. Which watch brand do dinosaurs love? Fossil.
  19. What did the dinosaur say to the traffic policeman after the car crash? I’m-so-saurus, officer!
  20. What do you call a dinosaur with a large vocabulary? A thesaurus

Dinosaur Pun One Liners

  1. Our museum has a new dinosaur exhibit. Whether it will be popular remains to be seen.
  2. Why did the archaeopteryx catch the worm? It was an early bird.
  3. Why did the dinosaur cross the road? He hadn’t evolved into a chicken yet.
  4. What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs? A tyranno-chorus
  5. You’re a sight for saur eyes
  6. I thought I’d found a dinosaur skeleton, but it turned out to be a fossil arm.
  7. The thesaurus was the first dinosaur to become extinct, defunct, superseded, disappeared, exterminated…
  8. A T-Rex’s favorite number is ate.
  9. A group of singing dinosaurs is called a Tyrannochorus.
  10. Dinosaurs are never overweight because they are surrounded by scales.
  11. If Harry Potter was a dinosaur, he would be a dinosourcerer.
  12. Dinosaurs eat their fries with a side of dinosauce.
  13. When a dinosaur scores a touchdown, it is called a dinoscore.
  14. After the dinosaur came its tail.
  15. A dinosaur with no eyes is called a Doyouthinkhesaurus.

Silly Dinosaur Puns

  1. Dinosaurs can’t go on boats. They cause too many ship Rex.
  2. Dinosaurs working in retail at Christmas time ask customers if they want their gifts raptor not.
  3. What do you call a T. Rex who hates losing? Saur loser.
  4. What do you call it when a dinosaur passes gas? An exstinktion.
  5. What is the best way to talk to a velociraptor? Long-distance!
  6. What should you do if you find a blue dilophosaurus? Try to cheer him up!
  7. What dinosaur could jump higher than a house? All of them. Houses can’t jump!
  8. Can you name 10 dinosaurs in 10 seconds? Yes, one gorgosaurus and nine velociraptors!
  9. What do you say to a 10-ton Albertosaurus wearing earphones? Anything – it can’t hear you!
  10. What’s purple and green and won’t stop singing? Barney taking a shower!
  11. What happened when the brachiosaurus took the train home? He had to bring it back!
  12. What is a dinosaur’s least favorite reindeer? Comet!
  13. What family does shantungosaurus belong to? I don’t know. I don’t think any family in our neighborhood owns one!
  14. Which dinosaurs make good policemen? Tricera-cops.
  15. Which dinosaurs used to burst suddenly? Tricera-pops.
  16. How does a T-Rex travel between planets? Dino-saucer.
  17. What did the caveman say as he slid down the dinosaur’s neck? “So long!”
  18. What is a Stegosaurus’s favorite playground toy? A dino-see-saw-r

Food For Thought Dinosaur Puns

  1. What has sharp fangs and sticks to the roof of your mouth? A peanut butter and jeholopterus sandwich.
  2. Which dinosaur likes spicy food? The Chile-saurus
  3. What do you get when dinosaurs walk through strawberry fields? Jam.
  4. Did you hear about the T-Rex who entertained a lot? It has friends for lunch.
  5. What did the T-Rex say at lunch time? Let’s grab a bite!

I dino about you, but these dinosaur puns really got me going. I feel ptero-bill for anyone who doesn’t love a good pun!