
101 Bird Puns That Are Totally Tongue-In-Chick

Fancy a gaggle? Then be sure to take a gander at our bird puns. We really went in for the swoop! 

You won’t egret browsing through our list of the quackiest bird puns on the internet. We’re sure they’ll shirke all the right chords.

The Most Birdie-ful Puns Of All

  1. Why did the woodpecker decide to relocate? Because he realised he’d been pecking up the wrong tree. 
  2. Why did the turkey dump her boyfriend? Because he was hawkward and unpheasant. 
  3. Mocking birds is never a good idea because things can easily take a wrong tern. 
  4. Why did the bird family decide to move house? Because their neighbours were stork raving bad and regularly flew off the handle!
  5. What did the policeman say to the bird who claimed he got robbed in broad daylight? That sounds like a bit of ostrich!
  6. Why did the turkey get kicked out of the baseball team? He kept pitching fowl balls and never made it past first baste. 
  7. Why did the duck get fired from her job? She kept on playing with firequackers while at work. 
  8. What did the policeman say to the detective? Someone’s been robin our local banks, so will you please help as quack the case?
  9. Why are peacocks such proud birds? Because people won’t stop raven about their colours. 
  10. What did the rooster say to the hen on the dancefloor? Your moves are poultry in motion!
  11. What’s a bird’s favourite saying? No egrets. 
  12. What did the wife of the woodpecker say when he bought her a new home? This wood is absolutely im-peck-able!

Bird Puns Worth Tweeting About

  1. When is the best time to buy a bird? When the going rates are cheep-cheep. 
  2. Did you hear about the bird who fell from a tree but flew away unharmed? He used his sparrowchute. 
  3. What do you call a really sad bird? A bluebird. 
  4. What do you call a very annoying bird? A mockingbird. 
  5. What do you call a criminal bird? A jailbird. 
  6. What is the bird at the head of the church called? A cardinal. 
  7. What do you call a bird who kicks butt? Steven Seagull. 
  8. What do you call a bird who is constantly out of breath? A puffin. 
  9. What do you call a bird on drugs? A quack-head. 
  10. What do you call a bunch of chicks playing hide-and-seek? Fowl play. 
  11. What do you call a sick eagle? Illeagal. 
  12. What would you get if you were to cross a bird with a television host? Jay Leno. 
  13. What do you call a pen of ducks? A box of quackers. 
  14.  What do doctors give sick birds? Medical tweetment. 
  15. Which birds spend all day on their knees? Birds of prey. 
  16. What did the duck eat with his soup? Quackers. 
  17. What do you call a canary that keeps on flying into the pastry dish? Tweetie pie. 
  18. What do you call a bird that keeps on stealing soap from the bathroom? A robber duck. 
  19. How many cans of feathers do you need to build a large bird? Two cans. 
  20. Where do birds invest their money? In the stork market. 

1-Liner Bird Puns

  1. You’re a hoot!
  2. Don’t be chicken! You can do it.
  3. Don’t run too fast, you’ll start puffin. 
  4. She’s such a  beautiful gull.
  5. I stayed up owl night.
  6. I’m just chicken in on you.
  7. You’re owl I’ll ever need!
  8. Don’t ruffle my feathers.
  9. It’s important for boys to always be gentle-hen.
  10. The difference between a crow and a raven is a matte of a pinion.
  11. You can trust me – I’m no storker!
  12. Toucan play this game. 
  13. If you can find a sale, you can buy it cheep!
  14. What happens when geese meet? They give each other goose bumps!
  15. Care to shrike up a conversation?

Bird Puns To Live By

  1. Why did the bird go to the pub? He merely wanted to wet his beak. 
  2. Why do birds make great mountaineers? They usually make it all the way to the beak. 
  3. Two young birds were learning how to fly. What did one say to the other? Let’s just wing it. 
  4. What did the gambling bird say to his friend? Heads I win, tails you lose. 
  5. Why did the chicken have trouble telling her two chicks apart? Because they were dead wingers. 
  6. Why did the chicken break her eggs? Because she clutched them too tightly. 
  7. How did the swallow wish his friend well? Better luck nest time!
  8. What was the mother swallow’s favourite thing to tell her chicks? Cleanliness is nest to godliness. 
  9. Why did the chick get annoyed with his brother? Because he kept on parroting him.
  10. Why was the rooster so successful at his job? Because he was a jack of owl traits. 
  11. Why did the penguin get annoyed with her boyfriend? Because all of his geese were swans. 
  12. What did the baby penguin tell his mother when he arrived home from the swimming gala? I swan!
  13. Why was the young professional penguin so successful? Because he always got up with the chickens. 
  14. What did the detective say to the thief that got away? I’ll be watching you like a hawk. 
  15. Why did the rooster and the hen suffer from empty nest syndrome? Because their daughter had decided to move into heron place. 
  16. Did you hear about the penguin who used to have a drinking problem? She quit cold turkey.
  17. Did you hear about the crow who stole all his friend’s jewelry? He was a real rook!
  18.  What would be the easiest way for a crow to become an overnight millionaire? If he were to shrike gold. 

Chicky Bird Puns 

  1. Blood is chicker than water.
  2. He’s currently caught up in the chick of things. 
  3. The plot chickens!
  4. You can’t believe anything he says because he really lays it on chick. 
  5. I’ll stick by you through chick and thin. 
  6. They came on chick and fast. 
  7. They’re as chick as thieves. 
  8. He did even try, it was just a lucky flock!
  9. He made promises but failed to flock out. 
  10. He’s so in love he’s hen-pecked!
  11. Talk is cheep. 
  12. Once bittern, twice shy.
  13. The penguin was as happy as a lark when he finally met his wife. 
  14. The crow hid his jewels under lark and key. 
  15. The hen dumped the rooster because he was stark raven mad!
  16. Lightning never shrikes the same spot twice. 

Tongue-In-Chick Puns

  1. The chicken was appre-hen-sive about believing anything the rooster said. 
  2. What did the rooster want most from his girlfriend? Her hend in marriage.
  3. What advice did the rooster give his son? To always take in on the chen. 
  4. Why did the chicken trust her husband? Because he was always so brutally henest. 
  5. What’s the best piece of advice any chicken could give their chicks? The henter nearly always becomes the hented. 
  6. What’s the number one rule of the coop? Always stick to the pecking order. 
  7. What’s a chicken’s favourite game? Peck-up-sticks. 
  8. Why did the penguin wish to go to the cinema? Because an epeck movie was showing.
  9. Why was the small chick able to carry a pile of books? Because they were all peck-et size. 
  10. What’s the best way to get a good view of your neighbour’s coop? Crane your neck over the fence. 
  11. What does the chick enjoy having over his pudding? Bustard. 
  12. What’s the best way for any bird to travel? As the crow flies. 
  13. Why was the eagle locked up in jail? He wanted to snipe his business partner. 
  14. Why was the penguin always fighting with her partner? Because he never wanted to take a gander at anything needing fixing. 
  15. How did the eagle propose marriage to his girlfriend? He told her that birds of a feather needed to flock together. 
  16. What’s a gander’s favourite food? Gooseberries. 
  17. How did the hen know that her husband was tired? Because he’d come home to roost. 
  18. What’s the best way for any young chicken to make the best of everything? By simply deciding to grebe life by the horns. 
  19. Why did the chicken get a fright? Because her husband made a sudden rheappearance. 
  20. What do you call a chick that loves to eat up his vegetables? A vegeta-rhea-n. 

Now you’ve taken a gander at our ultimate list of bird puns you’ll never be left in an hawkward situation with nothing to say!