
101 Chicken Puns That’ll Make You Laugh Around the Cluck

Egg-ceptional Chicken Puns

Whether you’re in need of a peck-me-up or simply egger to read something hen-tertaining, our 101 chicken puns are sure to do the trick. Don’t be chicken – fry ‘em!

We’re Peck-y About Chicken Puns 

  1. What’s a chicken’s favourite weekend pastime? Going for a peck-nic!
  2. What’s the quickest way out of a chicken coop? A quick dash through the egg-xit.
  3. What do chickens have on their birthdays? Coop cakes. 
  4. Why are chickens so successful? They spend their time working around the cluck. 
  5. Why did the chick say when the hen asked why he jumped in the lake? That the fox had egged him on.
  6. Why are hens such great bakers? They make every cake from scratch. 
  7. What do chickens use to wake them up in the mornings? Alarm clucks. 
  8. What’s a chicken’s version of the Big Apple? New Yolk City.
  9. What do you call a chicken who enjoys playing tricks on others? A practical yolk-er. 
  10. Why were the hens looking forward to the weekend? They were planning to go and see a chick-flick. 

Egg-centric One Liner Chicken Puns

  1. I made a chicken salad today, but the ungrateful bird refused to eat it!
  2. Chickens caught cheating at scrabble have been guilty of fowl play. 
  3. Chickens who are naughty at school are usually egg-spelled. 
  4. Running a dating site for chickens is a perfect way to make hens meet. 
  5. The old hen only ever lays a single egg in winter – she’s no spring chicken, after all!
  6. Roosters don’t usually carry a brush because they already have a comb.
  7. The only time you’ll ever catch a cactus crossing a busy road is when it happens to be stuck to a chicken’s back. 
  8. Did you hear about the chicken who went to a séance? It wanted to get to the other side. 
  9. Chickens who wear shell-suits are called eggs.
  10. Crossing a chicken with a cement mixer will always result in a brick-layer. 

Don’t Chicken Out On Love! 

  1. Being friends with you is egg-cellent.
  2. Your taste is impeccable!
  3. I’ve been chicken out gifts for you.
  4. You’re egg-actly what I want in a friend.
  5. I’d just love to dance chick-to-chick with you!

These Chicken Puns Ain’t Cheep

  1. Which chicken is at the very top of the pecking order? Attila the Hen.
  2. Why is it so easy for chicks to learn how to talk? Because talk is cheep. 
  3. Did you hear about the hen that accidentally ate gunpowder? She started laying gren-eggs!
  4. Why did the chick cross the playground? He wanted to get to the other slide. 
  5. What does a hen need to lay daily eggs? She needs hen-durance. 
  6. Did you hear about the farmer who died under mysterious circumstances? The police suspected fowl play. 
  7. Why did the chick ask for a second helping of breakfast? He was feeling peckish. 
  8. Did you hear about the chicken who wanted to fly? He reckoned he would just wing it. 
  9. Why is it impossible for a rooster to get rich? They work for chicken feed. 
  10. What do you call a bird a few feathers short of a chicken? A cuckoo cluck. 
  11. What do you see when a hen lays an egg on a slope? An egg-roll.
  12. Why do chicken coops have only two doors? Because otherwise they’d be chicken sedans!
  13. What did the chick refuse to do in dance-class? The foxtrot.
  14. At what time do adult chickens turn in for the evening? At half past hen.
  15. What was the young rooster’s favorite subject? Egg-onomics. 
  16. What do you call a coop of chickens clucking in harmony? A Hen-semble. 
  17. What did the one rooster say to the other? You scratch my beak, and I’ll scratch yours!
  18. Why did the rooster risk his life by driving by the KFC? He wanted to see a chicken strip!

Chicken Puns To Crack You Up

  1. How do roosters mail letters? They use hen-velopes. 
  2. Why did the chick leave the basketball court? He heard the ref calling fowl.
  3. Why was the rooster a successful construction worker? Because he was an egg-spert at installing stirrups. 
  4. Is chicken soup always good for your health? Yes – unless you’re chicken!
  5. What did the chick say to the rooster when he saw his mom sitting on an orange? Come quick dad, look what marma-laid!
  6. What do you call a chicken that crosses a dirt road, turns back around, and crosses it again? A dirty double-crossing chicken!
  7. What do you call the front door of a chicken coop? The hen-trance. 
  8. Why do hens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them they’d crack!
  9. Why did the chick receive detention at school? He used fowl language. 
  10. What do you call a rooster staring at a head of lettuce? Chicken Caesar salad. 
  11. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cow? Roost beef!
  12. Why was it important for the chicken to go to college? He knew the value of egg-ucation.
  13. Where do hens go on holiday? Chick-ago. 
  14. How did the ruffian chicken prefer its eggs to be cooked? Hard-boiled!
  15. Why did the hen sign up at the gym? She heard that egg-cercise would help her lose a quarter-pound-er-two!
  16. What do you call a rooster from a faraway galaxy? An egg-stra terrestrial. 
  17. What do you get when you cross a rooster with Arnold Schwarzenegger? An eggs-terminator.  
  18. Why did the hen dump the rooster? He wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. 
  19. Did you hear about the rooster that broke out in red spots and ran a high fever? The doctor said he had people-pox!
  20. Who was the most famous chicken author? Dahl’s Chickens. 

These Chicken Puns s Are Compre-hen-sive

  1. No chicken enjoys feeling cooped up!
  2. Chick or treat!
  3. Crossing a hen with a dog will yield pooched eggs.
  4. Talk is cheep!
  5. Chicks are no good at tegg-nology.
  6. Hen-thusiasm is a fantastic character trait.
  7. Before there was Google, chicks owned hen-cyclopedias. 
  8. The best way to wipe a beak is with a hen-kerchief. 
  9. The embarrassed rooster got caught with egg on his face.
  10. Chickens who live in forests are called poul-tree. 
  11. Adventurous chickens love to egg-splore. 
  12. Telling a good joke to an egg is dangerous. They’re sure to crack up!
  13. All the chickens avoid the boisterous barber. He’s forever ruffling their feathers. 
  14. Roosters always make natural comedi-hens.
  15. The F1 chicken driver’s favorite part of the race was egg-celerating. 
  16. You shouldn’t tease egg whites. They can’t take a yolk!
  17. Chicken’s use four-leaf-clovers for good cluck. 
  18. Comedi-hens prefer their eggs funny-side-up. 

Chicken Pun Jokes So Good You’ll Crack

  1. What did Snow White name her chicken? Egg White. 
  2. What is it called when it’s raining chickens? Fowl weather. 
  3. Why don’t chicks like humans? They beat their eggs!
  4. What did the rooster say when he had to leave the coop in a hurry? I’d better scramble. 
  5. Why did the rooster fear the holy man? Because he was called a friar. 
  6. What’s a chicken’s favorite movie? A Cluckwork Orange.
  7. When is lunchtime in the coop? Twelve o’cluck. 
  8. Did you hear about the chicken who was always upset? He had a n-egg-ative outlook.
  9. Why does the rooster love watching telly? It’s great hen-tertainment! 
  10. What do you call a rooster with special superpowers? Cluck Kent. 
  11. Why did the rooster comb the entire internet? To get to that other site. 
  12. Why did the chick follow the hen ‘cross the road? It was Take Your Child To Work day.
  13. Mozart hated chickens. All they ever say is Bach-Bach-Bach!
  14. Why do roosters hate working with dynamite? They hate egg-splotions. 
  15. A chicken and an egg walk into a bar. What does the barman say? “Who’s first?”.
  16. What’s the best way to restrain a rooster? By making him wear hen-cuffs.
  17. Why was the chicken in such a hurry to cross the road? She was afraid someone might Caesar. 
  18. Why won’t you find any chickens living in the desert? Because it’s always boiling hot.
  19. Why did the hen only cross the road halfway? She wanted to lay it on the line.
  20. Birds that are afraid of flying are chicken!

Now that you’ve egg-sperienced our egg-ceptional list of puns about chickens, we’re sure you’d agree we’re the pun-kings of the roost!