
101 Sizzling Fire Puns To Lighten Your Life

Our smoking list of piping hot fire puns will have you crackling away all year long. Come take a seat in the magic char while we fire up the engines of pun and good laughter. 

These Fire Puns Are Hot & Happening

  1. Someone through all my classic 70s records into the fire! It was a disco inferno.
  2. A friend who likes fire met his wife on
  3. I slept like a log last night. It figured – I woke up in the fireplace. 
  4. I got dared to walk a short distance over coals as hot as fire. I didn’t because I got cold feet. 
  5. He was asleep and blaze-fully unaware of the noise. 
  6. Throwing oil on the fire is his claim to flame. 
  7. The brilliant fire-eater achieved flame at last!
  8. He’s been inducted into the Hall of Flame for throwing torches. 
  9. My Google search didn’t spark any results. It kept saying no matches found. 
  10. What do you call a woman who puts her credit card statements in the fire? Bernadette.

Piping Hot One Liner Fire Puns

  1. I absolutely lava good fire pun!
  2. I have a burning question.
  3. My mom was so mad, she was fuming!
  4. It’s so hot, I think I’ll stay up all ignite. 
  5. He’s such a little flame, I think he lacks Fahrenheit. 
  6. Ice cubes are a sure fire way to put out a flame. 
  7. I can’t believe how ironic it is that I got fired from my job as a firefighter!
  8. We’ll have to furnace our new apartment if we’re to fire it up a bit. 
  9. Oil say! What a neat Bunsen burner!
  10. It gas without saying that they’ve got the biggest artificial furnace in town. 

Out The Frying Pun Into The Fire

  1. You can fry as hard as you can – you can’t un-cook a boiled egg.
  2. You jumped the line of fire! Get to the back of the barge-queue. 
  3. I wanted to thank the firefighter for saving my life. So I baked him a cake with caramel blaze. 
  4. Since it’s Christmas tomorrow, I’ll be up taking ignite. 
  5. Mom overcooked the food again. It was a real burnanza. 
  6. Poor Fawkes was fired for the crime. 
  7. Few people realize that Guy Fawkes had a sister. He wasn’t his mother’s first-burn. 
  8. If you think about it, Guy Fawkes wasn’t really all that bad. It’s a matter of persparktive. 
  9. His plot to set the city hall on fire was unsuccessfuel. 
  10. He’d have gotten away without getting fired if only he had a flare for getting away with things. 
  11. I got fired from my job. Now I’m the subject of a red hot s-candle. 
  12. A fire-y debate appears to be raging regarding who struck the first match. 
  13. “Where The Wildfires Are” is my favorite book. It burns within my soul. 
  14. I love being outdoors when it’s hot. I just can’t say no to the call of the wildfire!
  15. University was no match for me. I got the highest degree. 
  16. I’m positively de-lighted with my new fireplace!
  17. That hot-headed horse is as stub-burn as a mule. 
  18. She’s always giving me the cold smoulder. 
  19. Game, set, match. 
  20. So match for thinking I was hot!

Fire Puns For That Perfect Match

  1. You really light my fire!
  2. All is fire in love and war.
  3. I’ll win – by fire means or foul!
  4. I’ve been fieryously searching for you. 
  5. Your kind are few and fire between. 
  6. You’re my claim to flame!
  7. Everyone else is out the flame. 
  8. I promise to never bid you firewell!
  9. You know just how to create a lovely atmosfire. 
  10. You’re an enigma. I cannot decifire you!
  11. Elvis sang it true…Love Me Tinder…Love Me True
  12. I tinder to err on the side of caution. 
  13. What do you call a busy flame? Fire works. 
  14. It’s ok if there’s any kind of blaze, I’m a fire distinguisher. 
  15. You’re the perfect match!
  16. I’ll be sure to smoulder on. 
  17. Alight, let’s all hang out!
  18. I’m not merely making po-light conversation.
  19. He’s a good driver, he always knows where to spark. 
  20. I’ll show you tinder loving care. 

Hot Fire Puns Of Advice

  1. You cannot have your kayak and heat it. A fire in the craft will always make it sink. 
  2. A fire broke out in the barbershop yesterday. Although nobody was injured, it was a close coal!
  3. When the firefighter saw the church go up in flames, all he could think of to exclaim had been, “Holy Smoke!”. 
  4. The only reason she got fired from her job at the hot dog shop was because she put her hair in a bun by mistake. 
  5. Chefs make lousy accountants. They’ll only cook the books and make you fire them. 
  6. It’s widely accepted that the English king “Alfred the Grate” invented the first fireplace. 
  7. The man was fired from the calendar factory for taking too many days off. 
  8. I got my brother a fire extinguisher for his birthday. He was delighted!
  9. She warms the cockles of my heart because we’re a match made in heaven. 
  10. My boss is threatening to fire the employee with the worst posture. I have a hunch that might be me. 
  11. My bakery burned down the other day. I guess you could say my business is toast. 
  12. When I grow up I want to be a daredevil and set my own butt on fire. I guess it’s just something I ass-pyre to. 
  13. I just saw a guy set an elevator on fire. It went up in flames!
  14. The local thrift store burned down to the ground this morning. There was a lot of second hand smoke. 
  15. Nothing excites him. Even when he’s on fire, he remains totally blazé.
  16. They say nobody knows why Notre Dame caught fire. But I reckon Quasimodo has a hunch. 

Burning Question Puns

  1. What’s the only kind of fire that will leave a room damp? A humidi-fire. 
  2. What do you call a pirate that enjoys setting his ship on fire? An arrrrrrrrsonist. 
  3. What happens to a heart that spent too long in the sun? It gets heart burn!
  4. Why are fire engines nearly always red? Because they are mostly Russian. 
  5. What do you call a dinner jacket that’s been set on fire? A blazer. 
  6. A fire hydrant has H2O on the inside. What’s on the outside? K9P. . 
  7. Why is the fire hydrant factory a really annoying place to work? Because you can never find a place to park. 
  8. Did you hear about the fire that destroyed the campsite? It was in-tents!
  9. What did the novels do when the library caught fire? They booked it!
  10. Why do matches never get a day off on Independence Day? Because fire-works on the 4th of July. 
  11. What happens when a campfire plays a joke on you? You get burned.
  12. Why was the little match asked to leave the examination room? Because he was caught using a heat sheet.
  13. Why did the two campfires decide to split up? Because they were forever playing the flame game. 
  14. Why didn’t the chubby match care for liposuction? Because she was burn this way. 
  15. Why did the two matches opt for a shotgun wedding? Because they had a burn in the oven. 
  16. Why did the match go to jail? Because his accuser had a burna-fide argument. 
  17. What’s a book warms favorite book? Dante’s inferno.

Fire Puns That Burn Down The House

  1. The candle factory burned down because all the employees just stood around singing happy birthday!
  2. My mom says my dad is just like a fire. He goes out when unattended. 
  3. That old couple used to get on like a house on fire. Now they just feel trapped and suffocating. 
  4. I finally fired my dermatologist today. He just made too many rash decisions. 
  5. Heaters gonna heat!
  6. I just love an all you can heat BBQ!
  7. Real fire fighters never die! They just do asbestos they can. 
  8. You’ve seen too match! I’m going to have to fire you. 

Now that we’ve allowed you to peer through the haze, it’s your turn to set your own world on fire with piping hot puns and sure-fire laughter.